Saturday, March 22, 2008


OMG! I am actually able to post something! Yeah, I'm at the library, but still, I can post something! how long has it been, like, four months?
So, I totally got the newest Max Ride book the day it came out, and I have to say that I was a little bit disappointed. I mean, I loved rejoining the flock and everything, but I think that the book was a let down after the first three. And the way that it ended left me wondering if there's going to be a fifth one. I mean, JP never gave us any clearance at all concerning the whole Max/Fang situation, and I for one need to have clearance!
Anyway, has anyone been paying attention to all of the casting being done on the Twilight movie? I think that the casting directors are doing a fantastic job. The characters are so close to how I imagined them that it's scary. Especially Jasper. Although, I am disappointed that they STILL haven't casted Jacob yet. He's the one I'm looking forward to the most. And have you seen the guy they picked to play James??? Oh, my gosh! He is soooo hot! I'll almost be sad to see him die in the movie!!
Oh! And i read this amazing book that all of you who like the other books that I am always writing about will love! It's Called City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I'm gonna put a picture up on my sidebar (attempt to anyway). The next one in the series is called City of Ashes and it comes out on the twenty-fifth of this month. Seriously, I have friends who NEVER read who took this book from me and didn't stop reading until they finished it. These are perfect books for those of us who are suffering through the void of depravation from new Stephenie Meyer books. (BTW: The Host comes out on May 6!!!!! So excited!!! I get to write the official review for it in my school newspaper!!!)
I'm also really excited because, like I said, I'm at the library, and I just found out about this really cool writer's club that they have here on Fridays for high school students. I won't be able to go until summer (softball practice. GO FALCONS!!) but I am really excited. And the guy who runs it has the same name as me =D.
Why is it that every time I start to write on this blog, I seem to talk like an uber-excitable valley girl? 'Cause that's not how I am at all.
I recently decided that it's time I let more of my friends read the stuff that I write. So, this story that I've been working on for over a year now is now being passed around my little group. Most people are saying that they like it, but I think that they're just biast.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Long Time, No Post

As I predicted, my school has finally done the inivetable and denied me access to blogger, so I can no longer post from the school computers. As it is, I am babysitting now, but I put the little girl to bed and I am allowed to use their computer. It has fast internet (yay!).
So, even fewer people voted in my new post as my old one. That makes me sad. I for Suze Simon, by the way. She is way cool.
Anyway, some pretty exciting things have happened since I last posted. Edward and Bella have been casted for the twilight movie!! Kirsten Stewart (In the Land of Women, The Messengers) and Robert Pattinson (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire-- Cedric Diggory) will be playing our romantic heroes. I wasn't too happy about the choices at first, but I've decided that they are actually pretty good. I think they'll look cute together.
So, for anyone who likes the Great and Terrible Beauty books by Libba Bray, the newes one, The Sweet Far Thing, comes out on December 26 (what idiot came up with that, I wonder?). I am reserving my copy tomorrow. I am seriously excited.
Unfortunately, we have to wait until May for our next Stephenie Meyer novel. Her science fiction novel, The Host, is debuting on May 6.
And as for movies, I think that we are having an overload of good ones at the moment. I recently saw August Rush (which is AMAZING by the way). It made me laugh and cry.
I also saw The Golden Compass. For fans of the book, you may be disappointed with the ending, but the movie itself is one of the best book adaptations I have ever seen. And ignore all of those comments about how it is an athiest book trying to make people not believe in God. I am a Christian, and the books haven't affected my faith one bit. People just like to cause trouble.
As for ones that I haven't seen but really want to: I Am Legend (Will Smith, the last man on Earth, fighting vampires) is the one I am most anxious to see, and I may get to on Sunday. I was going to today, but I had to babysit... and consequently I am posting this. (Yay).
I am also much looking forward to seeing Enchanted. Some of my friends saw it and said that it was really good and cute.
P.S. I love you is definetely going to make me cry, but I'll still love it! I think that it looks like the best chick flick in a long time.
Then there's Johnny Depp's latest, Sweeny Todd. Is it just me, or can that man be absolutely any character he wants, from a constantly drunk pirate to a demon barber, and still be totally gorgeous? No, it's not just me. It's a fact of life. I even know guys who will admit that he is amazing!
As for me, nothing too exciting is happening. I have gotten up to about 65 pages in the story I am writing (my goal is 150, which will be about 250 in a regularly sized book). I know that I haven't written much about it yet, but that's because I'm trying to keep in on the DL. I don't want my idea being stolen.
Anyway, that's about it. If I don't post anything for a while, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Interesting Parts of This Post Start in The Middle... (You can ignore my rant about the essay contest!)

So, I should actually be in my PE class right now, but thanks to a bizare twist in my hectic month from hell, I just found out that I won a Veteren's Day essay contest that my school was holding, and I get dismissed from this period to reherse for reading it in front of a whole assembly. Wait-- A WHOLE ASSEMBLY?? AHHHHHHH!!!! Okay, so I am totally going to choke, but at least I get some time to work on my blog. And I get a gift certificate to the mall, so it's all good.
The thing is, though, I entered the contest for kicks and giggles. I actually thought that my essay sucked big time, but apparently I was wrong. Funny how those things work isn't it?
Considering the way I woke up this morning, totally freaking out about the three tests I had to take, the homework I had to make up from missing yesterday for an all day meeting, and trying to explain why I forgot to tell the leader my community service project why I was totally AWOL yesterday, I think that God definetley heard my prayer. Sorry, for those of you who don't believe in God, but after today, I am totally re-amped in my faith. He totally comforted me when I thought that my day was going to be the worst I have ever had the mispleasure to wake up to.
And now, I am going to stop talking about that, and talk a bit about my actual blog. Only ten people voted in my pole? And Edward won (surprise, surprise), taking it by storm with fifty percent of the vote. I think that Jacob came in second with thirty, and David came in third with twenty. And absolutely no one voted for poor Kartik? Come on, people! I love him!
Anyway, I am totally starved for good reading right now. I just can't find any good books to get in to. However, I have found the WORST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ!!! It is called Eyes of War by Janna Nickerson. Trust me, people, don't waste your valuable literature minds on this book. I hate talking bad about this book, because I have met the author and she is really nice and she lives only like twenty minutes away from me, but this book is seriously bad!! She wrote it for her senior project, and then was shocked when no real publishers would publish it, so she self-published it. She shouldn't even have been allowed to do that!!! Does anyone realize how many trees were killed to print that crappy book? No! She doesn't know how to write. I was writing on the same level that she is when I was in the seventh grade. Seriousl, I think that she robbed one of my journals and used my style of writing to write this nove. It is terrible!
Anyway, I am reading a sort-of-good book right now. It's called Hope Rising, and it is really sad, mostly because it is 100% true. I don't want to give away what it is about, but I recomend not reading it unless you are prepared to shed a lot of tears.
Anyway, I think that I am going to start a new poll, so tell your friends to vote!!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Extras, Extras!!

Okay, so, I'm a huge fan of the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. And until yesterday, I was all sure that it was going to be a trilogy. I mean, it says that Specials (the third book) was going to be the last in the trilogy, right? So, as you can imagine, I practically jumped out of my skin yesterday at the mall when I saw a display outside of Waldenbooks for EXTRAS the fourth in the series. Scott Westerfeld has a pretty sarcastic thing to say about that on the dedication page in his book. I have to say, it made me laugh. The only sad thing is that it is not going to be told from Tally's perspective like the previous ones. There is a new main character and it takes place a few years after Specials ends. I haven't started reading it just yet because I am currently busy reading George Orwell's 1984 (which is an amazing book. I definately recomend it.) But I am extremely excited to start reading it!
I guess it's been a while since I last posted anything.
About movies: Anyone who has not seen Resident Evil: Extinction, definately needs to see it! It is totally amazing. If you are under 17 (like me, being a sad 15) ask your parents to buy you tickets (it is rated 'R'). Trust me, this is a movie that you want to see on the big screen, and it is definately not the last one, either. The end of the movie makes it perfectly clear that there will be a fourth one.
In music news, I am happy to say that I have a new obsession. Dashboard Confessional. I bought two of their CDs yesterday, and I fell in love with them! Their newest album, The Shade of Poison Trees, is beautiful, and the cover song (In the Shade of Poison Trees) is amazing! I also got one of their older CDs called Dusk and Summer, which has this beautiful song on it called Stolen. And I am even giving one of their songs a very coveteted (well, I'd like to think so anyway) place on my Twilight Playlist. The song is called Clean Breaks. Do I need to explain anymore why I chose that song?
So, I found some cool new pictures, and I am going to try and load them onto my sidebar to change it up a bit, but it may take me a while, so I don't know if I'll do it tonight. I have school tomorrow and I have to do this fake trial thing. Ugh.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


K, so for anyone who hasn't noticed or seen the date right above this post, or the title of the post for that matter, today is September 13th, Bella's birthday, and pretty much internationally known as "Twilight Day". In Forks, Washington, they officially had a Stephenie Meyer day. I so wish that I could have gone! Those people must feel like super stars. I mean, these books are almost as big as Harry Potter. I'll bet that their tourist population has gone WAY up. But all of them are probably looking for the cliff, or the Cullen mansion, or Bella's house or something. There's a way Twilight-zone (NO PUN INTENDED!!(well, maybe a little)) picture on Stephenie's site. While she was in La Push, she saw a sign that said 'Black's Fireworks'. That is pretty much AMAZING! I would stop dead in my tracks and laugh my head off if I had seen that. But now, come to think of it, it was probably named that for the series... huh. I wonder why I didn't think of that before.
Whatever. So, where are all of you? I miss all of my readers!! I need you or I will fall into a deep dark hole of depression and self hate! SAVE ME FROM BECOMING EMO!!!
Haha. Just kidding. But I really do miss all of you! Not being able to post anything all summer totally bit the big one.
Now, if you will join me in singing happy birthday:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Don't cut your finger
Happy birthday to you!


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hairspray and Sixties Day-- Summer Stuff Part 2

Ok, so, I have to say that one of the best movies that I saw this summer was Hairspray. Any of you who haven't seen it yet should totally check it out. It is hilarious. WAY better than any other musical I have ever seen, and I love musicals.
Yeah. Nothing much more exciting happened this summer. I've been driving a lot (behold the powers of a learning permit) and I got totally hooked on the TV show Greek. Have any of you watched that? The season finale was last night. I am going to miss it, but thankfully, it will be back soon (hopefully).
OMG! Now for BAD news. Has anyone heard what is going to happen to the Max Ride movie? Yeah, well, let's just say that Jason Dolley will not be playing Iggy, except maybe for his voice. Yeah, that's right, Max is going to be ANIMATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe the injustice of it all? I spent hours clicking away on that website just to see these amazing books made into cartoon movies? To say that I am extremely peeved is the understatement of the century. And to make things worse, the original plan, when the movie was going to be live action, was that it would be released sometime next year. Now it's looking like it won't come out until 2010 at the best. That's the year I graduate and leave for college!!! Do you think that I'll be able to afford trivial things like going to movies while I am a poor college student scraping money out of seat coushins just to survive? I don't think so! And will I even want to go to an (hem hem) animated movie when I am eighteen. Doubt it!
Ok. I need to take some deep breaths.
On some happier news, this week is school spirit week at my school. Each day of the week is a different dress up day. At the big pep assembly on Friday there are awards for the best guy, girl, and teacher/staff outfits for each day. I think that I am pretty much a lock to win tomorrow's theme. It is decades day. Sophomores get to dress up as the sixties and let me tell you , my hippie ensamble ROCKS! It is a vintage chic that I think Alice would have even been proud of had the events in Twilight taken place in the sixties hippie era. (even though my outfit is (hem hem) off the rack *GASP*) Lol. I knew I would fit that in somewhere. I loved the way she sounded so disgusted when she talked about the horrors of getting a wedding dress off the rack! It made me seriously reconsider my future wedding plans (yeah, remember that drive up chapel that Edward mentioned? My plans consisted of something close to that, though, maybe not that extreme).
So, I am going to try to get on to a school computer tomorrow to check all of your wonderful blogs that I have not been able to see all summer and remind you that I am not dead and that I miss you!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

HELLO AGAIN!!!!! Summer Stuff Part One

Haha!!! Did you miss me? Well, I am officially back!! And right now I am actually posting from home. I might have to get used to doing this the slow way, and don't be surprised if I don't update my pictures as often as I did last year. The school got new computers this year and they're totally high tech and small, so there's no way I can sit in the library and hide from the librarian what I'm really doing. And I also don't have that computer class this year (I am a sophomore now!!! Only THREE MORE YEARS!!!!) and I'm not sure if I am going to be able to be on the yearbook staff. I am going to have a lote more homework this year because I am taking an honors English class.
Anyway, has anyone read ECLIPSE yet? I hope so!!! Because I am going to start talking about it now. If you haven't read it yet, then I suggest you don't read any more of this until you see where I say it is safe.
OMG!! I CRIED FOR HOURS AFTER I FINISHED THIS BOOK!!!!!!! I mean, I love Edward, and I totally wanted Bella to pick him, but I loved Jacob too!!! Stephenie Meyer did a really good job at making sure that we all totally loved both of them, so it would be heartbreaking no matter which way it went. There is a quote, well, really a passage, um, actually a short part of a conversation from the book that I totally can't get out of my head, even a month later! I will put it at the bottom of this post. I think that it is the quote of the book.
Was anyone else sorta disappointed at how the fight with Victoria went? They totally build up to this showdown in both of the previous books and it is like, supposed to be this huge thing and it is over in like, four pages. I think that Victoria got less booktime than James did, and he was only in the first book!
I sort of freaked out when Bella adked Jacob to kiss her in the end. That was one serious makeout scene! I think that the kiss between those two took up more pages than all of the ones with Edward put together from the first two. But it was cool. Romantic. Even though it was with the wrong guy.
I'd have to say that my favorite part of the book was the scene in the tent when Jacob is snuggled up with Bella in the sleeping bag. I found that rather awkwardly amusing it its own way. You could totally tell how much Jacob was enjoying totally pissing Edward off. It was great.
I did get pretty mad at one of my friends when she read it. She said that she thought Edward was being a controlling prick and that he needed to die to clear the way for Jacob. I did get a little annoyed with Edward at one point, but I promise that I never wanted him to die.
Have you noticed how unbelievably corny these books can be at times? But how it totally WORKS? I think that Stephenie Meyer is the only author on the planed who could write books so cheesy and melodramatic and have the characters say the corny things that they do and actually pull it off. Sort of how like Ashley Tisdale is the only person in the world who could pull off wearing those gold pants that she has to wear in the beginning of High School Musical 2 (which SUCKED if you haven't seen it yet. Don't. It is a waste of time.)
So, I read a lot of other books besides Eclipse this summer. The best ones, the ones that I HIGHLY recommend to fans of love stories, are the Mediator series by Meg Cabot. If you go to the library and you can't find them, check under the name Jenny Carrol, because that is the name that she wrote them under. There are six books in the series. Don't make the same mistake I did and read Haunted first because it is the only one there under Meg Cabot and you see the other five and they are by Jenny Carrol and you think that it is totally just a coincidence and they are two different things. THEY ARE NOT!!!! Haunted is the FIFTH book! The first one is Shadowland, the second is Ninth Key, the third is Reunion, the fourth is Darkest Hour, the fifth (as I just said) is Haunted, and the sixth is Twilight (ha! see! Now you know that they must be good!) Don't freak out about how there are so many books in the series. They are really quick books to read. And you may find yourself loving the guy, Jesse, almost as much as you love Edward!!
I am going to stop talking now, and finish my summer book and movie reviews in my next post. Here is the
If you want to find it in the book, it is at the end of page 599 and the beginning of 600.

"He's like a drug for you, Bella." His voice was still gentle, not at all critical. "I see that you can't live without him now. It's too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun."
The corner of my mouth turned up in a wistful halfsmile. "I used to think of you that way, you know. Like the sun. My personal sun. You balanced out the clouds nicely for me."
He sighed. "The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse."

And there it is. I am getting all teary just typing it!!!