Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I know that everyone who knows me is officially afraid to be on the road today... I get to start driving!!!!!! And I am scared out of my mind because of the crash tapes that we had to watch in driver's ed today. You know Bella's truck in Twilight? Well, let's hope that she doesn't ever get into a crash where someone hits her from the side. If Edward isn't there... the results would be VERY bad. And sad.
Speaking of books, I bought a really good one from Wal-Mart yesterday. It's called To Catch a Pirate by... Morgan Parks(?) I think. I'm not going to take the time to write what it's about because I'm supposed to be working on yearbook.
Most of the books on my summer reading list this year are classics and Shakespeare plays. (Has anyone seen the movie 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'? It's GREAT!) I want to be prepared for my English 10 honors class next year, so I better get going. And I have to read and do a paper on 'The Count of Monte Cristo' for that class. Once you reach High School, say goodbye to free summers, they are a thing of the past.
And I checked out another blog a few minutes ago. It's url is it's pretty cool, and they have a lot of cool anime pictures posted.... If you haven't guessed it yet, I really like anime. Not as much as I like Twilight, but it's pretty close. (BTW: Did anyone watch Bleach on Saturday? It was awesome!)
Jeez, I am chomping at the bit for July to come around. That's when my youth group starts doing all of our cool summer stuff. Like the baseball game and Creation and the innertubing trip (it's long and you get sunburned, but the jokes and conversations that are had are totally worth it.)
Now I have to go! i have to go drive!


AuthorAngel said...

Lucky. I won't be driving for about three more years. And when I do, it is going to be asbsolute HELL. All the driving responsibilities will be dumped on me bcuz my mom can't see very well, but well enough to have a license. It will suck. But still, good 4 u. Watch out for bunnies and deer.

AuthorAngel said...

Oh yea, and thanx 4 putting my, Maxisawesome, and Cocos blog on there!

Nudge.::.Twin said...

Tell me how the driving goes. I'm not part of a youth group yet. BTW, if Bella ever gets hit by a car and the results were bad, Edward could change her before she died and if he didn't I would be VERY VERY VERY angry.

Nudge.::.Twin said...


Come to My Almost Written Stories Blog!!! Urgent! I need you to vote!

Just another face in the crowd said...

o wow cool you get to start driving awesome!! my sister started to drive today hahahaha^_^